Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Queen of Lakes"

Sometimes called the “Queen of Lakes”, Great Quitticus Pond between Middleborough and Lakeville covers 1,128 acres. Henry David Thoreau wrote of the pond: “Passed over a narrow neck between the two Quitticus ponds after first visiting Great Quitticus on the right of road and gathering clamshells there, as I had done at Long Pond and intend to do at Assawampsett. These shells labelled will be good mementos of the ponds. It was a great, wild pond, with large islands in it."

The depth of Great Quitticus was long a matter of dispute. Some years prior to 1877, an anonymous gentleman “took some pains to find the greatest depth” which he found to be 80 feet at a point between Williams’ Island and the farm of Austin Roberts on Bedford Street.
A contemporary panorama of Great Quitticus Pond taken from Long Point Road between Middleborough and Lakeville, the "narrow neck" described by Thoreau. Photograph by Mike Maddigan.

1 comment:

  1. I ran Mad Mares Neck this morning. This is the eastern shore of Great Quitticus Pond. It is one of my "easy" short runs I do. From Long Point Road, it is roughly 1.8 miles to the point in which Black Brook feeds into Great Quiticuss, so 3.6 round trip. A month ago I ran out to Great Island. It has a manmade connector to the mainland. As I hit the northern most end, which lies 40 feet above the pond, I heard these geese below honking loudly. I thought to myself, that is strange, why are these geese honking? Then, I turn to the north and about 30 yards from where I was standing, a beautiful bald eagle approaches the dead white pine hanging over the pond about 10 feet from where I was standing. His head faced me, we made eye contact, and he turned around and headed back to Anuxanon Island where, after doing research, his nest is. Good stuff.
