Friday, January 8, 2010

Then & Now: Doane Block, South Main Street

July, 1973

May, 2006
Doane Block, July 19, 1973
At the time this photograph was taken, Shurtleff Hardware (which had occupied the building since 1938 when it acquired both the building and the Doane hardware business) had itself closed its doors, and the building was for sale as indicated by the sign in the vacant storefront.

Doane Block, May 27, 2006, photograph by Michael J. Maddigan
For a period of time following the departure of the Shurtleff business, the building was occupied by Corsini Auto Parts. It is presently tenanted by the Hometown Mortgage Company.


  1. I could be mistaken, but I think this building also once served as a theatre. Walking up the stairs in the hardware store, you would see, along the wall, old playbills or perhaps they were movie posters. I can't remember which, but I remember my mother saying it has been a theatre.

  2. Hi Gladys - The building you're thinking of is actually the next one closest to the Four Corners - the American Hall or American Building - which once housed Faietti's Hardware Store on the second floor. The hall in the building was the largest meeting space in Middleborough until the construction of Middleborough Town Hall. Afterwards, the building was used as a venue for roller polo, and beginning in 1912, for moving pictures, being known as the Lyric Theatre and later the Key Theatre. The movie posters you mention are a reminder from that period. Thanks for sharing this memory!

  3. Faietti's Hardware! That rings a bell. But were there two hardware stores so close together? Shurtleff's and Faiettis? I do remember that the place with the posters was was very close to Eggars. I wish I could see a picture of the whole block. Too bad there weren't any panorama cameras back then. Do you know if the posters still exist? I'd love to see them. I'm so grateful for your wonderful encyclopedic memory!!
