Thursday, December 24, 2009

Central Methodist Church in Snow

Christmas, 1877:

Christmas and New Year's have passed without any unusual occurrence. The Methodist Society had a Christmas tree [gift exchange] in their vestry Monday evening, and on Tuesday evening the Congregational Society held their festivities in Town Hall. Both passed off very pleasantly.

On Sunday evening, Dec. 23, a Sunday School Concert was held in the Centre M[ethodist] E[piscopal] Church. The principal feature of the evening consisted of an allegorical representation of the Star in the East, or the birth of Christ. Over eight hundred persons were present at the close of the exercises, and many left before the close, and a large number were unable to gain admission to the audience room. It was, as are all the concerts gotten up by the Superintendent of the school, Mr. F. M. Sherman, a grand success.

School Street Schoolyard and Central Methodist Church in Winter, late 1890s, photograph
The photograph depicts at the left the facade of the original School Street School which was replaced by the present structure in 1907. Across the schoolyard is seen the Central Methodist Church. The church's unique bell tower was replaced in the mid-20th century.

Henry S. Sylvester, Middleboro News, excerpted in "Middleboro'", Old Colony Memorial, January 3, 1878, p. 4.

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