Friday, August 26, 2011

McKinley Memorial Service, 1901

On September 6, 1901, while visiting the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, New York, President William McKinley was shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz.  McKinley survived the shooting for eight days before ultimately succumbing.  He died September 14, 1901.  In Middleborough, in the wake of the tragedy, a shocked and grief-stricken community assembled on Thursday, September 19, in Town Hall to memorialize McKinley in a moving and patriotic service.  The singing of "Nearer My God to Thee" as part of the memorial was a poignant reminder of McKinley's final moments.  The President is said to have spoken the opening lines of this favorite hymn as his final words.

For more about the McKinley assassination visit McKinley Assassination Ink, a comprehensive resource of primary and secondary materials on the event and its aftermath.

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